Advance Therapeutic & Diagnostic Tools
QEEG Brain Mapping
Sering merasa sedih, gelisah, cemas, marah atau sulit mengendalikan perilaku? Gejala-gejala klinis ini dapat mengganggu keseharian dan membuat Anda merasa terjebak tanpa solusi. QEEG Brainmapping menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk membantu memahami keluhan secara objektif dan optimal.Dengan QEEG Brainmapping, aktivitas otak dapat dipetakan dan dideskripsikan secara rinci, memberikan gambaran yang lebih akurat mengenai kondisi biologis yang mendasari masalah seperti gejala mood disorder (Depresi, Kecemasan), Adiksi, ADHD dan gejala gangguan klinis lainnya.Keunggulan QEEG Brainmapping:
- QEEG Brainmapping menunjang proses diagnosis menjadi lebih akurat karena dapat diintegrasikan dengan hasil pemeriksaan psikologis lainnya.
- Dalam psikoterapi, hasil QEEG Brainmapping membantu praktisi merancang pendekatan yang lebih terarah dan sesuai dengan kondisi organik, sehingga terapi menjadi lebih efektif .
- Pada farmakoterapi/medikasi, data hasil pemeriksaan QEEG Brainmapping menunjang proses pemberian obat yang tepat sasaran dan tepat guna.Jangan biarkan gejala-gejala tersebut mengendalikan hidup Anda.
- Kaiser, D. A., & Othmer, S. (2000). Effect of neurofeedback on variables of attention in a large multi-center trial. Journal of Neurotherapy, 4(1), 5-15.
- Sokhadze, E. M., Stewart, C. M., & Hollifield, M. (2007). Integrating cognitive behavioral therapy and neurofeedback for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans. Biofeedback, 35(2), 54-61.
- Hammond, D. C. (2005). Neurofeedback treatment of depression and anxiety. Journal of Adult Development, 12(2-3), 131-137.
- Monastra, V. J., Monastra, D. M., & George, S. (2002). The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27, 231-249.
QEEG Brain Mapping
Do you often feel sad, anxious, restless, angry, or struggle to control your behavior? These clinical symptoms can disrupt your daily life and leave you feeling trapped without a solution. QEEG Brainmapping is the right solution to help you understand these issues objectively and optimally.
With QEEG Brainmapping, brain activity can be mapped and described in detail, providing a more accurate picture of the biological conditions underlying problems such as mood disorders (Depression, Anxiety), Addiction, ADHD, and other clinical symptoms.
The advantages of QEEG Brainmapping:
- QEEG Brainmapping enhances the diagnostic process, making it more accurate by integrating with other psychological assessments.
- In psychotherapy, the results of QEEG Brainmapping assist practitioners in designing a more targeted approach that aligns with the client’s organic condition, making therapy more effective.
- In pharmacotherapy, QEEG Brainmapping data supports the precise and appropriate administration of medications.
Don’t let these symptoms control your life. Use the QEEG Brainmapping services at our clinic to receive more effective diagnosis, therapy, and treatment.
- Kaiser, D. A., & Othmer, S. (2000). Effect of neurofeedback on variables of attention in a large multi-center trial. Journal of Neurotherapy, 4(1), 5-15.
- Sokhadze, E. M., Stewart, C. M., & Hollifield, M. (2007). Integrating cognitive behavioral therapy and neurofeedback for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans. Biofeedback, 35(2), 54-61.
- Hammond, D. C. (2005). Neurofeedback treatment of depression and anxiety. Journal of Adult Development, 12(2-3), 131-137.
- Monastra, V. J., Monastra, D. M., & George, S. (2002). The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27, 231-249.