DR. dr. Dharmawan A. Purnama, Sp.KJ
profil lengkap
DR. dr. Dharmawan A. Purnama, Sp.KJ
Dr. dr. Dharmawan dilahirkan di Jakarta dan menyelesaikan pendidikan dokter umum dari fakultas kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya lalu mendapatkan gelar dokter spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa (Psikiater) dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Gelar Doktoral dalam bidang Filsafat didapatkan dari Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara dengan disertasi Logoterapi dengan pendekatan narasi restorasi.
Pendidikan tambahan di bidang kesehatan jiwa (psikiatri) didapatkan dari Chinese University of Hong Kong dan Hong Kong University (Mindfulness based therapy) serta pelatihan Consultation Liaison Psychiatry dan Geriatry di Sawa Hospital Toyonaka City Osaka Jepang serta pelatihan di dalam dan luar negeri lainnya (neurobiofeedback, ECT dengan premedikasi dan TMS).
Saat ini menjadi staf pengajar Psikiatri di Fakultas Kedokteran Ukrida, dan pembimbing klinis di RSJ Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan.
Pendiri Smart Mind Center Consulting dan Asian Psychiatry Intervention Network (APIN) yang merupakan perkumpulan psikiater dan neuropsikiater Asia untuk neurostimulasi (ECT, rTMS dan neuromodulasi). Minatnya yang luas di bidang psikiatri biologi termasuk konsultan psikoseksual dan perkawinan (adiksi seksual dan pornografi), Consultation Liaison Psychiatry untuk Diabetes Melitus, kardiovaskular, gastroenterology dan neuropsikiatri dan ADHD pada anak dan dewasa.
Advisory Board untuk terapi gangguan mood dan terapi ansietas serta insomnia.
Dokter dharamawan juga mendapatkan Piagam Tanda Kehormatan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia Bapak Ir. Joko Widodo sebagai Dokter Ahli Muda Rumah Sakit Jiwa dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Jakarta, Ditjen Pelayanan Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan.
Aktif memberikan ceramah dan seminar-seminar di bidang kesehatan jiwa dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Menjabat sebagai Ketua Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Cab. Jakarta Utara tahun 2015-2021. Aktif sebagai pengurus PDSKJI Jakarta (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia). Ketua tiga Asosiasi Seksologi Indonesia, wakil ketua Seksi Consultation Liaison Psychiatri Asosiasi Psikiatri Indonesia serta pengurus seksi Psikoseksial dan marital Asosiasi Psikiatri Indonesia.
DR. dr. Dharmawan A. Purnama, Sp.KJ
Dr. Dharmawan
was born in Jakarta and completed his general medical education at the Faculty
of Medicine, Unika Atma Jaya, before obtaining his specialist degree in
Psychiatry from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. He earned his
Doctoral degree in Philosophy from the Driyarkara School of Philosophy with a
dissertation on Logotherapy using a restorative narrative approach.
He received
additional education in mental health (psychiatry) from the Chinese University
of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University (Mindfulness-based therapy), as well as
training in Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Geriatry at Sawa Hospital in
Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan, and other domestic and international training
(neurobiofeedback, ECT with premedication, and TMS).
Currently, he is
a teaching staff member in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, Ukrida, and a
clinical supervisor at Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Psychiatric Hospital.
He is the
founder of Smart Mind Center Consulting and the Asian Psychiatry Intervention
Network (APIN), which is an association of psychiatrists and neuropsychiatrists
in Asia for neurostimulation (ECT, rTMS, and neuromodulation). His wide
interests in biological psychiatry include being a psychosocial and marital
consultant (sexual and pornography addiction), Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
for Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular, gastroenterology, neuropsychiatry, and
ADHD in children and adults. He is also an Advisory Board member for mood
disorder therapy and therapy for anxiety and insomnia.
Dr. Dharmawan
also received an Honorary Certificate from the President of the Republic of
Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Joko Widodo, as a Young Expert Doctor at Dr. Soeharto
Heerdjan Psychiatric Hospital, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry
of Health.
He actively
gives lectures and seminars in the field of mental health and Human Resources.
He served as the Chairman of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) North
Jakarta Branch from 2015-2021. He is actively involved in the Jakarta branch of
the Indonesian Psychiatric Association (PDSKJI). He is also the chairman of
three associations in Sexology Indonesia, vice-chair of the Consultation
Liaison Psychiatry Section of the Indonesian Psychiatric Association, and a
committee member in the Psychosexual and Marital Section of the Indonesian
Psychiatric Association.