Alexandra Gabriella A., M.Psi, Psikolog, C.Ht, C.ESt
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Alexandra Gabriella A., M.Psi, Psikolog, C.Ht, C.ESt
Alexandra merupakan Co-Founder dari Smart Mind Center Consulting. Sebelumnya, ia pernah bekerja sebagai terapis anak berkebutuhan khusus, konselor dan penulis artikel di website, sebagai Psikolog Klinis di Panti Sosial Bina Laras (PSBL) Harapan Sentosa 3, HRD di PT Yuu Cipta Kreasi, serta Manajer HRD di PT Pilar Garba Inti. Ia pun pernah bekerjasama dengan Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Provinsi (KPAP) Jakarta untuk memberikan seminar dan FGD bagi para konselor dan anggota. Pada saat ini ia bekerja sebagai Praktisi Klinis di Smart Mind Center, Ciputra Medical Center, serta Psikolog rekanan di dan (IG).
Alexandra telah banyak menangani kasus gangguan psikologi dan psikiatri, seperti gangguan mood, gangguan kecemasan, skizofrenia, serta konsultasi masalah pribadi dan pemeriksaan psikologis (Asesmen Kognitif, Asesmen Kepribadian dan Kesehatan Mental, Tes Iq, Minat dan Bakat, dll.). Ia pun menguasai terapi yang berbasis Neuropsikologi, seperti Neurofeedback dan Biofeedback.
Aktif memberikan ceramah dan pelatihan mengenai Kesehatan Mental dan Gangguan Psikologis.
Alexandra Gabriella A., M.Psi, Psikolog, C.Ht, C.ESt
Alexandra Gabriella A., M.Psi, C.Ht, C.ESt is a Clinical Psychologist and Certified Hypnotherapist who focuses on Emotional & Trauma Healing . She Completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Tarumanagara University. Furthermore, she have attended Workshop and Trainning related to the intervention of pschological problems, especially for trauma recovery such as Hypnotherapy Certification from National Guild of Hypnotists on 2011, Ego State Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
Alexandra is one of the Co-Founder of Smart Mind Center Consulting. Previously, she worked as a therapist for children with special needs, counselor and writer for, Clinical Psychologist at Panti Sosial Bina Laras (PSBL) Harapan Sentosa 3, Human Resources staff at PT Yuu Cipta Kreasi, and Human Resources Manager at PT Pilar Garba Inti. She also collaborated with Provincial AIDS Prevention Commission – Jakarta, by giving seminars and focus group discussions (FGD) for counselors and members. She currently practices as Clinical Psychologist at Smart Mind Center Consulting, Ciputra Medical Center, and as Associate Psychologist at and (IG).
Alexandra has dealt with many cases of psychopathology, such as Mood Disorder, Anxiety, schizophrenia, Personality disorders and psychological testing (Cognitive Assessment, Personality and Mental Health Assessment, IQ Test, Talent Assessment, etc.). She also mastered Neuropsychological based therapy such as the Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Therapy.
She is active in providing talks and training regarding mental health issues and psychopathology.

Smart Mind Center Alam Sutera Tangerang Selatan : Selasa, Rabu, & Jum'at pukul 09.00 - 16.00, Minggu pukul 09.00 - 14.00 - dengan perjanjian. Telp: +6287781658181
Smart Mind Center Mediterania Jakarta Barat: Sabtu, by Appoinment Whatsapp 0813-1828-7148
SMC Apartemen Mediterania Garden Residence 2, Shophouse E1, Tanjung Duren Raya, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat
SMC Alam Sutera, Jl. Alam Sutera Bulevard, Alam Sutera Town Center, blok 10C No. 35, Tangerang.
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